Ogden Utah Family Photographer | Kendra Bird Photography
As an Ogden Utah Family Photographer, mommy and me sessions are not only beautiful, but they are so precious. I was completely in love as soon as they got out of the car. Their outfits were perfect, she brought wild flowers to add a special touch, and she called me “Miss Kendra”! How sweet is that? The thing that made her daughter smile the most was the fact that she was getting Swedish Fish after the session. Funny thing is, her mama texted me later and said that she chose M&Ms instead.
This precious girl spend the first 3.5 months of her life in the NICU. Her mama spent everyday with her. As she drove to the hospital every morning, she noticed the wild flowers a little more often. She now considers this a blessing from God through a difficult time. Every year, she gets her daughter’s birthday photos taken with the wild flowers. What a beautiful way to show how special miss Ruby is, not only on her birthday, but every time they stop and smell the flowers. Miss Ruby warmed up to me almost instantly. Her sweet smile, bright eyes, and soft spoken voice, had me in love. I honestly couldn’t believe that I had just met Ruby and her mama; I felt like we had been friends for year. She was so easy to get along with, and made my job so easy because she is clearly so photogenic.
Here is a list of other things to do in Ogden: https://members.ogdenweberchamber.com/events/calendar/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=OWCoc-+Events&utm_content=ad+2&gclid=CjwKCAiA9NGfBhBvEiwAq5vSywM34TDHwODXfh268ru1al0T3BR9W3yMGTNMtONOo5VOyYb4EmdELhoClj0QAvD_BwE
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